Who Else Wants to Read a Very Long Book Fast, Understand It and Get a Good Grade

So you really need to get this fast, upload everything on your brain and face the test...

Here's a quick plan

1. Reading time planning.

Start with 30 minutes a day and increase the time as you get comfortable with reading the boring textbook.

2. In my reading skills series am strongly against skimmimg but here, in order to cover that book before exams you really need to skim. Just focus on the subheadings; bold and italics, to know something about every chapter and move on.

3. Jote down what you "feel" is important; the page number, chapter or the main point, to revise them after you're done with the book.

4. Answer questions after every chapter. This calls for a "slow down" but you really need it, to be confident of your effort.

5. If you're reading a textbook and it has summaries at the end of every chapter, focus only on them to save time.

6. Don't understand? Never hesitate to ask someone smart to help you out.

7 if you really really need to read alot in a day, having a nap in between will help your brain process what you've read faster, becoming fully alert for another loads of information.

girl studying

Never force yourself to it. The little you got up there should be sufficient when practiced well. Avoid overwhelming your brain by depriving yourself a good sleep.

16 Secret Guides for Improving Your Reading Skills

1. The first step for improving your reading skill is reading. Find a book of interest, written by a good writer and a good theme.

2. Try reading aloud. And it doesn't mean you have to shout. Just whispering some words like the "th" as "d" or "te", and other words you need to differentiate how they are pronounced.

3. Reading aloud does not only improve your reading skills but your reading skills also.

4. Find a suitable place and moment to read without being distracted. To make your reading real effective to your skills you need to find concentration more than anything else, where you can focus for an hour or 2 without distraction. Remember, the brain gets fully attentive after about 15 minutes when distracted.

5. Scan the book, look at pictures ot listen to some music before you focus on the nain business.

6. When you start getting bored, get a break. Read as much as you can but never force yourself intensively.

7. Reread if you don't understand. Reread if you enjoy it.

8. Rather than dwelling under the influence of one, expose yourself to more books from different authors. Many authors can be interesting. Never follow an author like religion.

9. Fast reading is not about skimming words and passing over important informations. It is about your capability to read between lines with deeper attention. Nevr skim, it doesn't improve your skills.

10. Learn to use context clues in finding the meaning of a word: understanding a word by the partnern of the sentence and the subject in question. This is important for increasing your reading speed, in that you don't need to check dictionary for every word. Antonyms are well recognized through context clues.

11. Use your free time for reading. In order to become a good reader you need to be a hobby reader. Read as much and as vast as possible.

12. Try reading-writing. Many good readers have higher potentials of becoming wonderful writers. In this case, a good reader is capable of becoming a better reader when he tries writing.

13. Use your finger as a pointer to increase your concentration.

14. Ask someone who's good at reading to help you out, if need arise.

15. Explore your best reading posture. While I prefer sitting upright to increase my alertness, some prefer standing and some sitting on the floor with their legs straighted out. Discover yours by trying every comfortable posture.

16. Reading in the dark with a dimmed flashlight can give you a headache. Ensure that you have sufficient lighting before you start reading in the dark.

Have questions about reading or writing? Thoughts? Share in the comments

A 6-Step Guide to Brilliancy: How to Increase Your Brain's Processing Speed

Here's a quick interesting exercise that will instantly inprove your brain speed, visualization-visioning skills and attention skills.

This exercise, when carried out correctly will increase your thinking speed, make you smarter and all intellectually sophisticated.

1. Take a look at this picture carefully. Enlarge it for the best result.

Source: wikihow.com

2. Call out the direction the eyes in the pic are looking, from top to bottom, then right to left.

For examlpe, "down, left, up, right", just the way you see it.

Do it without mistake for 30 seconds, let someone time you.

Practice by repeating and increasing your speed until you can do it without error in 15 seconds.

3. Assume that you are the face; they are your faces. Try doing it as if you are the face looking out the page and it's going to be a bit harder.

This is to add the difficulty to make your brain work out more difficult task, in order to have a smart and sharp version of it in the end.

Do it now until you can call it (up, down, right, left) without error for 15 seconds. Be patient, for this might take some time.

4. Now for the colours: call out the colours for each correctly in 30 seconds. Repeat and improve till you can make it in 15. Never jump to the next level without accomplishing the task: 15 seconds without error.

5. Now, begin from exercise 1, pointing your finger in the opposite direction each time.

Here's the concept: [up (point down). Right (point left). Down (point up). Left (point right)]

This manipulation is aimed to develop a brain process, dealing with divided attention, and doing things perfectly.

6. Lastly, time to increase the difficulty:

Switch by pointing the direction the eyes are looking, and calling out the opposite direction; only when you come to a red face. Subtitute different colours until you go through all of the colour.

Repeat the entire process once everyday.

How does it go? Have any question? Thoughts? The comment box is ready...

Uncensored Secrets of Mind Control: How to Pay Attention When You Are Confused


Do you want to destroy the confusion and direct your mind to concentrate?

Here distraction-proof strategies--overcoming confusion.

Ask questions, it will help you concentrate on the answers, help others and learn more.

Being focused...

Keep your eyes on the object, do not stare.

Keep your mimd, body and eyes on the creative side of an object.

Positive body langauge and postures enhances performance, allowing you to concentrate fully. So nod your head positively during lectures or while watching a vedio tutorials.

Focus on memorizing what is beem said rather than just listening.

Click here to learn more about active listening techniques.

Spend more time learning about increasing your mind power in order to develop the ability to control your mental attention.

Boredom increases confusion. So find a reason to be interested. For example, the speakers accent, writing style or importance.

If you're in a class or lecture hall, do not just pay attention to the teacher, pay attention to the student who are listening. If you're reading in the library, pay attention to people that are paying attention. It gets you started.

Smile and appreciate what you understand. Reflect on your past understanding and use the same technique of active concentration.

Say a positive affirmation that corresponds to what you're learning. Say "you got it" or "that's okay".

Try Fanacism

Participate in everything about your studies. Starting from group discussions, meetings, tutorials, peer studies, etc to clarify your confusion while improving your learning technique.

Agree with people's opinion and be eager to teach. Associate with tutors and other learners to explore the best of aggreability.

Concentrate on the better side of the subject. Think about how it makes you unique and different from other people in the world. Think about how safe you are to study such subject.

Always be a finisher. Be upto date about your assignments and projects so that you mind will remain relaxed, concentrating on the present need.

Try Highlighting...

Before you start reading, scan the whole piece to see what you should expect in the end. Concentrate on the bold and italic, sub-topics. This techniques also help if you don't have enough time to read everything.

Never spending hours studying without a break. Whenever you start feeling some drowsiness, go outside and catch some breeze for 2 minutes. Or just stretch for same time.

Use your break time for prayer and meditation. This is very important if you're extremely confused and want to put yourself together. It leads to desciplined visualization and visioning, which are both essential.

Underline important or confusing sentences in order to go over them after you've finish the topic.

Employing technical analysis

Focus your enthusiasm on the technically sophisticated matters. Relax and allow your creative mind to work that.

Take notes, learn abreviations; pay attention on both the forward and backward meaning of a statement.

Know the primary objective of your assignments and concentrate mainly on it. Improve your skills, so you can use different approaches.

Never hate your teacher, subject or your colleagues. Never hesitate asking "dumb questions" they are the must important.

Lastly, never force yourself to finish up now. Give yourself a chance to gain composure and some emotional stability, and it doesn't matter how long you need to wait.

Thoughts? Questions? Please share in the comments.

Forbidden Love: How to Have a Secret Relationship With Someone

image sources: google images

Do you want to have an underground relationship?

The relationship episod this time focuses mainly on how you can maintain a secret legitimate relationship.

1. Get a code name for that person that you are going to use as long as the relationship thrives.

For example, if I want to date Rita, I may use the code: TRT or 202 or 303. No genius can ever catch me on this!

2. When you are called by your secret lover, make a privacy.

When Rita called the time am around the people am hiding the relationship from, I'd fake-answer by pressing the "silent" button, pretend "hello", "hello", "network" network's bad around here", then go into a room in private and "answer" the call immediately (thanks to Nigerian Network).

3. If you're chatting with them and someone unexpectedly catch you, just say that you're using a friend's screen (am not teaching you how to lie o).

4. Playing hide and seek with your parents or friends about your desired love life can be a bit hectic. Try to amend anything that's making you to hide it and bring it to the open, let the sun shine on it.

5. Make sure that your underground lover is also on the same track of secrecy. For you might be playing with yourself while your relationship is out to the open world.

Has anything similar ever happened to you....trying to hard something that's already known? Share in the comments.

6. Do not let your behaviour betray your aim. Guilt is on the mind and it's only known by people when it's seen physically. People don't read mind, it's through thy action thou shall be judged. So try as much as possible to live a perfect fake life.

7. Secret relationship is more successful when its built on the grounds of trustworthiness, honesty and self-control. The person must be understanding, "matured" and caring, to coperate properly.

8. Don't ignore your friends. Anybody that cares about will suspect something is going if you start to live differently.

9. Use different email ID and facebook account, if necessary.

10. Never tell a soul about your relationship, regardless of thr trust between you. For the lips can get out of control any time, you just can't help it.

11. Make sure you delete this link from your browsers history, especially if you're using a shared computer. If you someone finds out you're reading this "secret relationship" post, they might suspect you. And I don't want you to fall before trying to stand.

Lastly. Dear reader, do not use the secret relationship tips to cheat on your spouse. If you try that, I know you and I will spill the beans. But wait....I desire your comment....

Explicit Hunt: How to Get Someone to Tell You a Secret

Want to crack that hard nut of explicit secrets?

Get set for some emotional moment 'cause the secret is steamy and all sensual.

Here are the strategies to fish them.

Knowing Exactly What You Want:

Try to pay attention to their behaviour to be sure if secret exist. Every fake behaviour is obvious especially if you know the person very well.

If a person feels odd around you, it might be for another reason. Try to lookout for those reasons before you jump into conclusions.

Never ever pressure someone to admit whether something is wrong or not. Even when you're sure something is wrong, people get upset easily when pressured about a suspicion.

Creating a Trust Base:

Make yourself truthful, at least for that person. Tell them some of your secrets open-mindedly to boost their confident around you, which mild lead the secret to leak.

Be caring and interesting. People like sharing things about themselves only to people interested in their lives. Make an effort to do so consistently.

Patient is what you need to make a long-lasting wait. Desperation pushes you to failure. If you really want to know a secret, develop your patience and watch closely.

Don't only be a good listener, be an engaging listener. After listening, show that you understand by asking simple questions and empathizing when you need to. People find it more easily to tell sensitive details to those who understands them.

Exercise equality in your behavioue. Treat everyone the way you treat them. Respect and listen to everyone just the way you do to them. For when behaviour is understood as "natural" skeptism is eliminated and trust becomes stronger.

Strive to make yourself a safe zone to people you want to extract a secret from. Avoid being judgemental. Never gossip or backbite. Never share any critical information about someone to them. For when you become a secret keeper, they shall hand over theirs to you, even eagerly.

Seize a suitable moment to ask them whether they have something they want to tell you. Be the person you always be; calm, safe, good listener and non-judgemental.

Post-Handling Secrets:

Maintain that trust by keeping the secret. Secrets are not known once. When you keep the small ones, you can keep the big ones. And that's how everyone is going to feel about you. Trust!

But remember, it's hard to rebuild once broken: trust.

Ask if you can be of help in any way. Or come up with a candid suggestion, an accurate solution. Do not ignore them. Just let them understand how lucky they are to let you know the particular secret. This way, you can fish out more, if there is.

Make sure that secrets are sometimes kept for good reasons. Realize that secrets, when told, can hurt. Acknowledge this before you go digging out crushed bones.

And if that person admit the hurting secret, respect them by exercising self-control and even love. Even if the information is against your relationship, never make people the who are brave to leak the secret lose confidence in you.

How do you fish out secrets? Share in the comments

4 Dirty Ways to Become a Highly Valued Member of Your Team

Here are some good cheat-proof self-examination techniques to to tweak your habits, in becoming a well valued individual among your team mates.

Trick 1: the plan

Mark out plan and work it out. Reliability is what everyone seeks in teaming. If you're not too sure about the success of a plan, make another back-up plan.

Face everything without fear of imperfection. Perfectionism is the worst character of a team member. Overcome it and you shall stand out as the most valued.

Get rid of bad character traits such as aggressiveness and high assertiveness. Calm doing and let your logical skill do the aggressiveness.

Trick 2: Information Load

Share information with your team members. Information that will help enhance your team work. That's why it's good to become a smart know-it-all. Never let them recognize this

Always keep your project manager informed about your progress, regardless of the assumed trust he has on your team.

Trick 3: The team growth tweak.

Respect other people's skills, styles and opinions. Just the way we look different, everyone has to do things defferently in order to enjoy life. Never challenge nor criticize differences in your teamwork. The outcome is what matters.

Be willing to embrace new ideologies or approach. Allow some flexibility when carrying out a project. You don't have to follow an exact strategy.

Trick 4: The upbeat team-worker.

You can do anything faultlessly but a positive attitude is what credits your personality. Do not allow pride when it's a "well-done". Never take it personal when some feedbacks turn out blunt.

Before wealth is created, value most be created. Forget about the "raise" issue and develop your worth among your team-mates, and the money will chase you.

Not every project require team-workers in 10ths and 20ths. When ideas clash, failure is inevitable. So try to be minimal in either contribution or planning.

Never act like a leader when you're not. Focus on equality, acknowledging the fact that everyone is supposed to be treated with respect and value. When someone is not doing well, show your concern and suggestion. If it doesn't work, be in touch with your supervisor.

12 Little Known Ways to Be Friends With Someone Who Has a High IQ

Friendship with people having a high IQ comes with large-packaged benefit. People influnce people. Regrdless of your present IQ, getting closer to them means alot in improving your lifestyle, potential, attitude and relationships.

1. Discover the chemistry that leads to your present friendships.

2. Think about what you share in common. Never allow self-esteem to rule over your choices. You must have something to be shared with them.

3. Determine what you can bring to the relationship as a person. Something that the other person has but limited. Something of value.

4. Look closer to the behaviour you like most in that person. People like being with people that are interested in what they love. Go with enthusiasm and get involved. If you can't figure nothing, you can't enjoy the friendship.

5. Look for what cheers your high IQ friend and share. Starting from the common disbelief to less intellectual stuffs.

6. Appreciate your high IQ friend's uniqueness. Let them know you're glad they know all those sophisticated ideologies and principles. It stires the best out of every.

7. How about your special qualities? Tap into them and male your friendship relevant. Become the best you can and never ignore or hide the little man you think you are.

8. Share your knowledge timely. Nobody knows everything, and your high IQ friend is not an exception. You are the next person, so never hesitate to share a perspective.

9. Never feel incapable. Regardless of his/her intelligence, she/he needs someone. Friendship is a need, a medication for loneliness. No intelligent would ignore you, as long as you have a personality, a value, and it's recognized.

10. Never involve or get used to intellectual competence, it's not social.

11. Let your friendship be on the ground of trustworthiness, generousity and kindness. Never get obsessed with the IQ thing. Good friendship is the definition of being human.

12. Teasing or pishing a someone into doing something he/she is not interested in, might not make sense to your friendship. Just be real, less overwhelmed and stable.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

Here's a Quick Way to Survive when a Parent Threatens Suicide

Understand that you're not a mental professional and the last thing you'd like to see is your parent commiting suicide.

1. When the situation becomes so drastic and overwhelming. Call emergency center immediately.

2. Assess lethal intent.... Understanding the seriousness of your parent's desperation.

3. Ask if he/she is truely serious about hurting himself/herself. Thisis mostly ignored as a sensitive question but it's very important as to save life.

4. Ask about the plans. Ask how she/he intended to go with the plan. The means to commit suicide.

5. Ask if you can pray for the person. Prayer is very effective in introducing hope to the hopeless mind. People feel loved when prayed for. The advantages are plentiful.

6. Never go around babbling about the fact. Be discreet, in order to avoid pressuring your parentn to that intent.

7. Do not hesitate either. From your observation, if you realize that your parent is likely serious about the issue, contact family members calmly, to figure out some solutions.

8. Get help from other families and friends. Do not wait. The more you wait, the more the intention grows. Never cover-up family problem when it becomes suicidal.

9. Let your parent know how important he/she is in your life. Give examples, including the tragedy they might cause by hurting themselves.

10. Additionally, let them know your capablities and how they can be proud of you in time to come.

Keep reminding yourself about the source of every decision. You can't blame yourself. Relax and do all you can. Worry might only take away the creativity you need to deal with such delicate situation. Love your parent and continue to be a good child.

Unwanted Spirit: How to Face Confusing Thoughts

Who is right? What is right? Where is wrong?

Feeling trapped and tangled by unanswered questions? How about the confusion caused by extreme ideas and philosophies?

Learn the art of dealing with the effects of contradictory views.

1. Practice an effective relaxation technique

This is very important when your stress out. Get yourself together by calming every nerve.

2. Study the thought objectively. Find the context of your thoughts

3. Get personally involved with the theme or subject. For example, how to play a guiter: how do I play the guiter? You have the power to focus on guiter anytime you want.

4. Seperation: Mentally, distinguish yourself from that thought. This is achieved by distraction or visualization. Try to imagine the reality of that thought, to understand the real theme.

5. Look for the answer, the real answer.

Confusing thoughts are unanswered questions. Never ignore education. Never depend in one source either. Strive for an answer either by experiment or research.

6. Realize when you can't resolve it, you can't help it. And it's time to forget it.

7. Think only on the basis of interest

When something does not interest you, you don't have to stress over it. Your interest is your life and anything out of this, is a waste of time.

8. If you can't let go, change the thought process.

Think about confusing thoughts as wilderness. Work out of it by introducing a new theme.

9. Talk to someone you trust if you feel you would like help.

Thoughts are thoughts and they just happen. Don't be hard on yourself. Thoughts do not make reality without action. The unknown does not exist.

An Open Letter To President Goodluck Jonathan: This is really getting into my nerves

Dear Mr president

With all due respect I'd like to announce to you that you need to handle this security issue with all seriousness.

For how long are we going to stand and watch our friends being killed innocently?

Must we wait until the plague come over us?

The approach you're using does not make FULL sense. The options are 2 and you're not using any professionally.

If we're allowed to talking about truth and transparency, we expect different kinds of modern anti-terrorism approaches. Not just the so called gun fight and security deployment after every intended destruction is done.

The money is been spent, but we can't even feel the differences...

If it's dialogue, the money should be of use in curbing every terror-mind. Let just the blood-shading stop!

Just the way you can't drive 2 vehicles at the same time, the security issue in Nigeria can never be handled successfully using two VERY DIFFERENT AND OPPOSIT APPROACHES. You can't work in opposite direction and expect us, we, the people, to hope for a definite destiny with you as the president.

People are beeng killed like ants in a part of the country you're leading--am talking about yobe state--a place assumed to be in a state of emergency for more than 2 years. Or can't you feel the time, running with a blood stain all over the months....?

Mr president, nobody is safe, it shall affect you, it has affected you, and it shall come closer to thee and meet thee. Unless you act for good, no good shall come near thee or thy leadership.

This is a fact, not an opinion. Ignore it, and you've ignored your success. Remember, you vowed, and nothing is getting better.

I can hear the cry of the Nigerian mothers who have lost their children just this morning. And their crime: they are students. And why: because they are not secured.

Why She Cries: How to Comfort a Crying Woman

Out of the million pages techniques of handling a woman, we are going to explore the art and science of dealing with a distressed lady.

Although it's hard to keep a crying woman down, you can always start from where she came from. Understanding the reason for her distress can help you figure out the best sushing technique at a moment.

Putting yourself in her shoe.

1. A woman can cry because of anything. She might be sad or happy, in desperation or despair. But knowing the cause of the emotions is the only way to empathize.

You might ask her why she is crying in a sincere manner but the tricky part is, such "why" question might even provoke more tears.

If that's the case, you are free to guess using the knowledge you have about her and her personality. Secondly, you can watch closely her expressions as she cries. For example, smiling through her tears signifies her feeling of nostalgea and joy.

Never be judgemental in your analysis. If you couldn't figure out something, just wait and observe.

2. Don't create a reason where there's none.

Sometimes women themselves don't use to know the reason for their emotions. Never get frustrated by this either, or at least don't show it. Allow her to know that you're a reliable source of comfort.

3. Align yourself with her emotions.

Instead of focusing on the fact that she's crying, direct your focus to why she's crying. Developing this mindset for women, helps to share empathy easily with women. Practically, you're pushing yourself closer to the cause, which would account to faster understanding of the proper action you can take to bring the end of the emotional flood.

4. Think about how you'd like to be comforted when you're upset.

Women are not some creatures from east, that you're not allowed to present yourself as you are in order to satisfy them. Treat her the way you expected to be treated when in same situation.

Say the right words.

1. "I'm here" Telling her you're here for her gives her hope that she can at least depend on you. Use body language to emphasize the statement and her subconscious mind would appreciate it.

2. Appologize.

Always appologize if you said something that upsets a crying woman. Trying to justify yourself will only worsen the situation by making her feel bad about you being around.

3. Ask her if she wants to tallk.

Even if she does want to talk, stop when she starts feeling uncomfortable.

4. Ask her if there's anything you can do to help

This will get rid of doubt and make her admit what she really needs.

5. Know when to just sit and listen.

If she desires to talk, be an active listener. Never interrupt. Answer her questions and only talk positive about her, this time.

Comforting a woman through action

1. Give her something to dry her tears.

2. Hug her. Or just put your arm around her. If you're in a relationship, rub er shoulders. Observe her body language and act towards it.

3. Allow her to rest on your shoulder, it feels great.

4. Never ever make sexual advances.

Never use the moment to overpower her resistance. Do not abuse. And it doesn't mattwr whether you're in a relationship or not.

5. Show her something cute or if you know her very well, do that thing that usually makes her excited.

Thoughts? Questions? Please share in the comments.

Positive Self-talk: How to Write an Effective Affirmation

Affirmation is a self talk usually focused on emphasizing a fact or goal, in order to make it a part of action. Affirmation is more like cramming but it's been repeated as scheduled to motivate self into action.

Affirmation is important where procractination, inconsistency or weak persistency are presesnt.

As important as affirmation sounds, its effectiveness and ineffectiveness are measured through the method used in writing it. Affirmations have helped me turn lots of my dreams into reality.

Am going to state out clearly the most effective methods you can come up with affirmations that can change your life.

P.S: You can re-write or correct affirmations whenever you feel like. Never rush, just let your desire do the decision.

1. Empty your mind.

Find a quiet setting where you can focus alone. For me, my room is okay. But it's usually more conducive late night and early morning. The aim is to empty your mind of everything except thoughts that can improve your person, dreams and ambitions.

2. Decide specifically what you want.

Let your desire be a driving force to your dreams and decisions. Who do you desire to be called in the after 5 months? How do you want to feel next year, january? Never let esteem or situations to distract the choice you're going to make now. You would like to be the best in each area you decide.

Here are lists of categorized ideas to help you start:

Situations: marriage, better grade, health, car, job friends, house, etc.

Attitude building: compassion, responsive, increasing reliability, positive-thinking, self-esteem, being responsible, etc.

Specific habit change: procrastination, making excuses, perfectionism, complaining, overindulging, forgetting names, smoking, alcoholism, intemperence etc.

Motivational: trust, purpose, belief, desire, energy, etc.

3. Visualizing your ideal self in an ideal situation.

Just like a simple imagination, picture the better you. Visualize yourself in that situation, doing what you suppose to be doing up there, and interacting with the people you want to meet.

For example, you can imagine yourself shaking hands with prospective business partners; hugging a wife/husband and making plans for the future of your children; or doing exploits as a great minister, etc.

4. Time to write things down.

Take the specific goal you desire to pursue and write it on top of a sheet of paper or note pad.

5. Start "brainstorming"

Start writing anything that comes on your mind about your goal right underneath the heading. This is your affirmation, which could be corrected anytime. Always use a pronoun in order to make your affirmation personal. Here are some start ups:


"I am..."


6. Completing the templete.

Use a verb to complete the templete, making your affirmation in the present tense. Look below:

"I(present tense verb)to..."

7. Effective emotion

One of the secrets of writing an effective affirmation by making it so emotional. You can use the partern below:

"I feel so (emotion)..."

I am (emotional) about..."

For example "I feel so IN LOVE..." and I am SENSUAL about..."

8. Fill everything.

Fill the following blanks to see whether what you get is what you desire as your affirmation.

“(personal) (present) (emotion) and (your ideal results).”

9. Recitation.

Speak your affirmation twice a day; first thing in the morning after you wake up and the last thing before you go to bed. So you need to place it around your bedroom, where it shall be glanced at an ideal time.

10. Adjustment.

Affirmations always need adjustment. As you recite it daily, making the physical effort to reach your goal, you are going to find out specifically what you really need. So you can tweak the affirmation to that specific desire. Remember, the more specific you are, the more definite it becomes.

Picture, Example of a complete affirmation:

Important: always settle for positive affirmation. Do not use negative words, even in a good way. Instead of using "I hope" or "I'll try", use "I can" or "I will".

Always make it personal, short and sweet. And don't just recite it, visualize it. That's why it's important to use present tense.

Unconditional Acceptance: How to Accept Yourself, Your Life, and Your Reality

What if I told you that you can lose your self-doubt?

Ever felt like all you've done, aimed, thought for, and worked for doesn't really matter?

What do you do when all you can think of is the uselessness of dreams, goals and even love?

What if life doesn't mean anything?

Today, you are going to discover the new truth about the beauty of life! You shall realize that every second means alot. Your decision matters alot, to shape the world around you, in the presence and even in a thousand years to come.

1. Learn to accept who you are

As easy to say as it seems, accepting every thing about the person you always see in the mirror needs a great effort. There's nothing desirable in a world filled with fantasies and differences than to accept who you are. It is after accepting the persoan that you are you can be able to discover the beauty side of you.

Just like social rejection, neglecting your tastes, needs and veiws is the greatest mistake you can ever make, in the path to failure. Because only if you "accept" can you be able to love; only if you love yourself, can the "universe" (people) love you.

Process: first off, count your blessings and name them one by one. Be thankful of your natural gifts and achievements. Reflect!

Write down your past achievements and goals, then make another list of the impact you've made and are capable of making; to yourself and to the world you live in. By doing this, You'll automatically begin to see the beauty of your life and how important you are to the world, just the way you are.

2. Realize your imperfection and let go. When you can't do something accurately, it simply means that you need to be more skilled. And this calls for self-developement and education. But if you've tried everything that people seem to do to make a perfection and still failed, just know that that thing is not for you and you are free to let go.

It doesn't matter if all your friends can do it. It doesn't matter if all your families have that feature. What matters now is you, letting go of your unfortunate imperfections and never to ask questions "why" but to start learning about yourself as an individual.

Explore your interests and pursue them without thinking about your background, friends or defeats.

3. Be honest with yourself.

Not every criticism is negative. We are made to learn from people and situations, things we need to make us better people. Not every critic is an enemy. When you did something, and situations or people respond negatively, look closely. Be a selfless judge. Learn about the fault and strive for perfection, focusing on how the "improvement" is going to make you a better person without being manipulated to other person's taste.

4. Solutions are only needed where problems are found.

Remember that you cannot fix it until you acknowledge and admit that there is a problem. Problems do not appear out of nowhere. It's either you have them or you don't. So the best way to live a pressure-free life is to admit your problems, and find the best way of fixing them. And if you're doubting everything; faith knows no such word as impossible, even as you must believe in something.

5. Recognize ineffective coping mechanisms.

Sex, drug abuse, alcoholism and cultism, are the worst coping mechanisms you can ever think of. You cannot deal with negativities using negativism. Deseases are not cured by infliction. Avoidance cannot work either. When everything you can think of is negative, distract it with an effective positive. And never settle for a coping skill for long. Explore new technique and seek for satisfaction.

6. Fearless Replacement.

The world is fast changing and life is only worth living when it follows the change. Replace your old person with a new one; character, behaviours, methods, responses and habits. Sometimes it takes time and determination to understand those things that need to be upgraded but believe me, the benefit is worth it.

7. Make the list.

After accepting who you are and making the necessary changes you need to make in your life, the next step is to make a list. Your past dreams and goals are of old. Write down the wishes of your new self, considering your faith and the effort needed to cross over to your dream land.

8. Do not alter everything at once.

Ever heard the song "one day at a time"? This is "one change at a time". You have a body, mind and spirit. Every change you make physically will affect everything about you. So take everything slowly and gradually, allowing every part of you do adopt to the changes. And whenever a part of you disapprove of a change, never hesitate to do something about it. Especially your conscious, never underestimate the plead of a troubled spirit.

9. Forsake do-overs

Never accept an unfavourable situation if you can avoid it, just because it has happen before. I believe that specific misfortunes are meant to happen only once, to teach us and build us. No same problem should come-over twice. And even when they seem so close, use the past experience to either "run" or fight it skillfully. But never ever let it happen twice in your life because of whatever reason.

10. Life is not just the way it is. Although you can improve yourself for the best, you can't change who you really are. Although you can make a difference in a community, state, country or even the world, you can never go beyond your vision. So stop thinking about an "unknown world". Just be the best you can be, doing the best you can where you are.

Every one has a purpose in life. You are here for a mission; to accomplish something; to explore anything to the utmost. Every pain upgrades you to become a worthy missionary. Find good friendship. I can even be a good friend to you.

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