Success Secrets: Why Your ‘Good Enough’ Isn’t Good Enough

A good enough that is not enough is never good enough!

Perfection is not what we seek, for perfection can be a waste where it isn't needed.

But we aim for perfection because with that, we give undivided attention in getting things done.

It doesn't have to be perfect. But when it's done, it's completed.

Good enough is not enough, for you really are in need of skills to make something good enough.

You need to be good in progress, not good enough.

You need to keep on learning in order to be good enough.

Your career might be at stake when you're just "good enough", for the world is getting sophisticated and only welcomes sophisticated services.

Yes, your love life might also feel empty if you think you're good enough and don't think you need improvement.

Passion fades quickly with time, but a love that follows time and grows with time tends to live as long as time. And a love cannot live as long as time when it can't improve as time constantly "improves".

You need you, all of You, in order to make things happen.

Enough isn't enough when it comes to your love life. You can't settle for just enough.

Don't let the fear of being alone take away your sense of self-value in this life.

You tried hard to be the best you can be of a partner. Enough isn't enough when someone else is just trying to be "good enough" for you.

The fun is never enough until you find yourself doing those things you love the most, your hobbies.

They're very important and have to make you feel great whenever you do them, not just good enough. But the best feelings.

You have to live beyond limits, pushing yourself to the utmost experience.

Never let your life be limited by mediocrity. No you're made to be great, feel great and do great things for yourself, others and the entire world.

Enough isn't good enough 'til you reach the highest height of your dream.

'Til your passion becomes your inclination, and your inclination becomes greatness.

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