How to Keep the Conversation Flowing with a Girl (for Guys)

Want to keep the conversation flowing 'til you want to stop? Take these quick steps...

1. Pay attention to the scenario, the circumstance around you.

2. Don't ask random questions about anything. Ask a purposeful question based on what happened in the past or the decision you want to make. Just don't ask pointless question!

3. Ask questions that will make you concetrate on where you are and the girl you're talking too.

4. Girls like talking about themselves; feelings, breakthroughs, goals and wishes. Be an active listener and she'll lead the conversation.

5. When the conversation starts to slow down, compliment her about anything. [Check: how to compliment a girl without sounding stupid. Opens in a new window.]

6. Make her feel more invested in you by asking little favours from her, to be done at once. For example, you can ask her to hold your phone for you as you pick up something, a drink...or just something else.

7. Avoid 'yes' and 'no' questions. Ask her open-ended questions in order to keep her talking. And while listening, ask her questions in between, even if you know and understand everything, she'll feel more interesting.

[Check: suggested list of open-ended questions to ask a girl. Opens in a new window.]

8. Do not just be the asker, provide some details about yourself or your perspective concerning the thing she's telling you.

9. Find out what she's passionate about and get some education. Choose what's more fascinating and ask her genuine questions, to know, not just for the sake of asking. People love to talk about themselves, and if you can just listen, girls are best at that.

10. Talk about something positive. Positivity makes you more persuasive and passionate as a guy. Although girls are fond of complaining and reminiscing about anything, and she'll, just try as much as possible to comment positively about your passion and hers.

11. Do not despise her thoughts and talks. Never make her feel uncomfortable about her opinion by being so judgemental and critical. Don't be self-centered either.

12. Divert the subject if you're not too familiar with it. Your lack of knowledge will not impress her.

13. Accept pauses in a conversation. They're natural! Instead of thinking about what to say next, it's a time to be present where you are. Look around with a free mind and the conversation will kick up naturally.

15. Smile at her during silent moments. If you're on a date, take a sip of your drink.

16. Talk slowly. Talking slowly is the only secret of lasting conversation but again, the secret to slow conversation is confidence.

[Check: how to be confident around girls. Opens in a new window]

17. Don't go into controversial subjects. Don't gossip about other people (nah nah it's not sexy). Be genuine and nice.

18. Use your unique sense of humor. You don't have to share a joke directly. The best way to become so outgoing around girls is allowing your cocky sense of humor to flow in the conversation freely.

[Learn more about: cocky comedy around girls. Opens in a new window.]

19. Watch your body language. From your body language, she'll recognize your confidence and your confidence determines the level of your interest, and consequently, the level of her confidence around you.

Sit straight but relax. Settle your torso toward her and make a lot of eye contact. Don't cross your arms, never ever. It means you're blocking her.

20. Turn off your cell phone and focus mainly on her.

Don't let the conversation to die completely or get all exhausted before you end it. Tell her you had a great time and you're going to call her.