1. Most concrete dairy lots are paved with piles of bacteria-laden manure.
2. Cow milk is insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). When humans consume this hormone, their IGF-1 levels also increase, accounting for the “growth” effects of cow’s milk.
3. Consuming cow milk is highly unnatural; there is no animal in nature (other than humans) that drinks the milk of another species naturally.
4. It was confirmed in 2006 that the amount of nutrition education in medical schools is “inadequate.”
A hair dresser receives more training before cutting clients' hair professionally, yet parents are taking advice from individuals with hardly any unbiased nutritional education?
5. Rice, almond, hemp, and coconut milks are good choices for many kids and adults--more advantage than diary milk.
6. Leafy greens are better sources of minerals than dairy products.
7. The dietary fiber found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans also assists with escorting estrogen out of the body and it's very regulated. Healthier tham diary milk.
8. Many greens contain not just generous amounts of calcium, but additional nutrients critical for building bone health, such as magnesium, boron and vitamin C.
9. Just as no loving parent would allow her small child to play on busy highways, dairy products should be approached with extreme caution given the amount of information readily available about their dangers.