In this series of our JAMB tips and tricks we are going to discuss how to increase your JAMB score to more than 200.
Are you tired of re-sitting JAMB exams? Or are you writing JAMB exams for the first time and you're scared? Today you are going to learn how to score high marks in all the subjects you're attempting.
This is a preparation to be made 30 days to the exam date.
How to increase your JAMB score- Things to Avoid...
30 days before JAMB exams, avoid promiscuity of any type. Promiscuity in school dulls students brain power. Studies have shown that Young students who engage in sexual relationship or keep love partners suffer performance impediment. So if you want to increase your JAMB score this year, you also need to adjust your lifestyle - just for the sake of your success.
Avoid taking so much sugar 30 days before sitting for your JAMB exams.
Avoid excessive carbon monoxide. Studies show that people who sleep with lit mosquito coils and cook with kerosene inside their bedroom are impairing their brain potentials by exposing themselves to carbon monoxide. Stop smoking now.....till you score more than 200 in your JAMB.
Avoid sleeping with bright light.
Melatonin, which the hypothalamus needs to function very well is only secreted at night and in the dark. Are you sleeping with lights on? It might be the reason your JAMB score gets low. Start sleeping in the dark to unleash your brain potential.
Avoid skipping breakfast.
Forget about dinner and lunch, breakfast means alot for your brain. Glucose often becomes low after hours of night fasting, eating breakfast before 9 am gives the brain a nourishment to be more productive. If you want to increase your JAMB score, do not ever skip your breakfast.
Avoid sleep deficit, to JAMB.
You need sleep. Your brain needs rest. Never underestimate the importance of 7 hour sleep every night. Just allow yourself to rest.
Avoid Overconfidence.
You are to be confident of yourself in order to achieve whatever you want to be achieve, but never ever feel free to "fight" unless you're a trained fighter. Train yourself for JAMB. Gain the confident by working for it, and success will chase you.
How to study and not forget - increasing JAMB score
Don't read, study.
Handle your books with a study approach. You can read without learning anything but nobody studies in vain. If you want to increase your JAMB score this year, your focus should be to study and understand.
Read Aloud.
Definitely if you want to study and not forget you need to adopt the art of reading aloud. President Abraham Lincoln use this technique to catapult his intelligence. It makes sense...just try. Use it to increase your JAMB score.
How to Prepare for JAMB Examination to Score above 200
1. A month to JAMB exam day, your life should be timetable controlled: you should have JAMB exam study timetable, not just exam timetable.
2. Answer at least five JAMB past questions.
3. Two weeks to JAMB exam day study for at least 4 hours everyday.
4. A week before JAMB exam day, you should cover all you are required to study.
5. Use the last week for JAMB revision. Tips for effective revision: CHECK HERE
6. Give yourself enough sleep two days to JAMB exam day.
7. Go to bed early the night to JAMB exam day and wake up early and revise your Use of English only.
8. Try to urinate shortly before you enter exam hall. Sounds funny? It is better than wasting your precious time taking permission to wee, which could also cause problem between you and the invigilator.
9. Make up your mind you're not going to cheat. Having a definite decision on how to behave in the JAMB hall gives your brain space to rest, concentrating only on the things you need to remember with a sound mind. Remember, focus gains you alot!
10. Be at JAMB center and exam hall in time.
How to Answer a JAMB Exam Questions
1. Pray for a second.
2. Observe JAMB exam rules.
3. Read the JAMB questions before the passage in the Use of English.
4. Start with JAMB questions/subjects you know to answer well, before others.
5. Attempt all JAMB questions. Just answer, shade everything.
6. As you shade on your answer sheet, tick lightly on your JAMB question paper.
7. Be time sensitive. Target to finish before the set time and go over your ticked and shaded answers.
Powerful Brain Boosters to Help Increase your JAMB score
One of these foods should be taken once a day or more. Do not over eat either. Your feeding style remains the same.
1. Omega 3-fatty acid/docosahexaenoic acid (DHA):
the best example of food containing Omega 3-fatty acid is cold water fish or flaxseed. It catapults brain power to over 60%, increases IQ and proper brain function. Countries whose diet is rich in cold-water fish like the Israel, China and USA are the ones ruling the world technologically. You can increase your JAMB score significantly by eating water fish or fish oil supplements.
2. Take amino acid.
Examples are Omelets, salad, legume, yogurt etc. Or you may go for amino acid supplement to increase your JAMB exams score.
3. Antioxidants.
Honey. Water. Glucose. Garlic. All optional brain boosters to increase your JAMB score.
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