Some do not need the attention of a doctor but when it exceed some limits as it's going to be stated, you need a full medical advise. Many strep throat symptoms in adults can lead to rheumatic fever if not treated for long.
Strep throat symptoms in adults with tonsils
The cause of strep throat is bacterial and viral infection, but the symptoms of strep throat infection which starts from sore throat can lead to the swelling of the tonsils. So here are strep throat symptoms in adults with tonsils and some tips to recognize its effects easily.
• Our first look up is swollen lymph glands in neck. You are going to feel some tightness and heaviness within the neck region including some pains. This usually starts from a day or 2 after sore throat.
• Painful swallowing follows the swelling. In some cases, strep throat symptoms in adults with tonsils do not pain after 3 days but increasingly difficulty in swallowing saliva or some hard foods is common.
• In a course of time, voice changes due to swelling and complications. Depending on the individual's health, strep throat symptoms in adults may turn the voice to be shallow or broad. It also includes the raise and fall of sound pitches strep throat symptoms especially when you try to shout.
• Normally, strep throat symptoms do not contain fever that last 5 days. But strep throat symptoms in adults with tonsils, fever often persists 7 to 10 days without antibiotics. In severe cases it involves vomiting and complete lose of appetite.
• Mostly in early stages of tonsillitis, the first strep throat symptoms in adults is bad breath. You can feel it yourself, milky, sometimes like spoiled meat or something similar. Even though it won't irritate the patent, it is would be very clear and easy for someone to dictate.
Strep throat symptoms in adults without tonsils
Coming to the mild strep throat, we consider some of the common and uncommon strep throat symptoms in adults considering its movement in stages and silent development.
• The first stage to get yourself ratified if you have strep throat without tonsils is when small skin rash starts to come out. Usually on the neck but sometimes go down back or on chest.
• Joint pains, usually ankles and wrists. In certain strep throat symptoms in adults without tonsils, you might not feel pains but the joints just stay weaker for few days.
• Nausea or vomiting comes up without much fever as strep throat symptoms in adults, and in often times it lasts only 2 to 3 days even without antibiotics days in that immunity works faster on bacteria than virus.
• You feel some twitch right inside the ear or a general but less severe Earache may start. Even though strep throat symptoms in adults do not show this up, it happens usually at night.
• Cough and short breathing are also common strep throat symptoms in adults especially when without tonsils. The common fact about this is it doesn't show any spots.
• After being diagnosed and treated strep throat without tonsils, for weeks after, there may be dark urine and some sudden onset of rashes down the neck. They are all stages of strep throat symptoms in adults, which are medically uncommon.
General strep throat symptoms in adults
This issue can be very mild and puts you in a self conscious state for not more than 15 days. Meaning, the strep throat symptoms in adults of this category don't last that long.
• It occurs both on tonsils and without tonsils. Abdominal pain with vomiting for strep throat symptoms, and can be severe or not based on the person's immunity.
• Anorexia starting from lose of appetite and then your weight would drop drastically. This strep throat symptoms in adults always scares people but it is common and happens only once, making your body immuned later on.
Nature deals with nature. So even are you've known all the strep throat symptoms in adults with tonsils and without, taking excess fluids down your body is the first home treatment. You can circumvent any progress by the simply resting all day. Keep in mind that antibiotics can only be needed in chronic strep throat symptoms and cases.