Intellegency, brilliancy or smartness is not about your IQ or background...
It's all about you!
If you're willing to adjust something about your daily life, I can assure of stress A's and even more brilliant display in your whole life.
Do not be afraid to make changes in your life. Only if you change something are you going to see changes. The more you persist, the more those changes stick.
Why do I call students dumb?
Dumb students are they that know how to read between the lines, between the words and around the pages but lack the ability to improve thier grades.
They are all around us. They work hard, learning what they think they need to learn without considering the smarter side of their individuality.
And yes, someone who cannot cross the average mark, is amongst the dumb students.
How do you become the smart student now?
1. Replace your friends.
You are the average of the first five people you spend time with.
Obviously if you spend time with dumb people, you really can judge the kind of person you are. Smart people are really hard to be friends with, because they got principles, self-discipline and temperance. This 3 attributes of smart people scare average thinking guys away. No!
At first you might look stupid around them, but with time you shall get acquainted with both the smarter and the less flattering side of them.
It's never easy to just leave your friends now, believe me. But once you get occupied with the smarter guy's activities, you're going to get over any less flattering friendship.
2. Become a know-it-all
People that know it all are not genius. Neither do they have higher IQ to start with.
The only difference between you and them is they used to do what you're not doing, and we call them smart.
They've exposed themselves long time ago to the reality of thier fantasies while you're here dreaming about living high.
How do you become a know-it-all?
And the challenge!
Read. Listen. Read.
Listen to the news every morning, listen to audio books any time during the day and before you drift to sleep read a part of a non-fictional book.
Avoid listening to just music all day or watching endless seasonal films. Instead listen to intelligent interview, motivational tapes and spend more hours exploring success stories.
3. Do less.
It is experimentally proven that people that spend 80% of their time thinking about a product or project end up with the most amazing result. Gross right?
Before any 1 hour project you must think about it for at least 10 hours. I know you're busy right? Busy doing nothing! Very busy watching seasonal films, chatting on 2go, facebooking, partying,etc. Being busy is when your mind or body's doing something, right?
You don't have to sit on a chair, crossed legged, cross arms to begin brainstorming. Effective thinking is mostly done when the body is on autopilot. You can be doing other physical activities while thinking about an assignment, project or anything you want to do that requires your intellects. And the thinking must be directly focused on what you want out of that thing, how and the ideas that would make it unique and ground breaking.
So then...
Surround yourself with smart people, focus on up-to-date learning, and get rid of anything that will distract you from your journey of becoming a better person.
Thoughts? Questions? Please share in the comments.