How To Help Someone With Depression And Alcoholism

Depression and Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a triflin way of dealing with depression. Many people struggling with depression think that alcohol saves. It can only help to get your mind off the reality of life.

How to help someone with depression and alcoholism - part 1

Since depression is the cause of alcoholism and rarely becomes vice-versal, taking care of the depression has alot of advantage.

How to help someone with depression and alcoholism - part 2

Counsel the individual about the cause of his or her depression. Ask the individual what he or she is thinking. The hopeless situation, the future tragedy, bad past experiences, insecurities etc. Let the individual pour out his heart, which will make you understand the cause.

How to help someone with depression and alcoholism - part 3

Tackle the problem. The cause is the problem. Future cause can be dealt with by genuine assurance but in acute depression you might need to impose some simple mind psychotherapy. Emotional trauma or bad past experiences can be tackled by reassurance of future safety. Financial insecurities or recent losts causing depressive thoughts can be easily handled if you can give the individual some hope.

How to help someone with depression and alcoholism part 4

Provide a goal in the life of this individual. You can help someone with depression and alcoholism if you can just distract the depressive man in him with some achievable goals. Everyone wants to be petted and all the way, you we can't deny the fact that we enjoy pursuing goals. Knowing that we are going to be successful keeps us excited....pushing the depressive thoughts at bay.

How to help someone with depression and alcoholism - part 5

Helping someone with depression and alcoholism, you need not only to become a sweet talker but also a reliable listener. Support means, being avialable in terms of needs. You can find many ways of dealing with depression, anxiety and alcoholism/addiction on this blog to give ideas of what to do and how to act in helping someone with depression and anxiety.