How To Stop Stressing Before Exams

The first way to stop stressing before exams is to stop comparing your abilities. Be confident with yourself and do not over-read.

Drink alot of water and fresh vegetables. They help calm your brain, with improved flow of blood due to proper hydration which helps to calm your exams stress.

Avoid coffee, for caffeinated drinks may distract your thinking. In order to stop stressing before exams you need to have a calm mind.

A night before exams, make sure you sleep for complete 8 hours, minimum of 6 hours. Your brain needs rest as much as your muscles. If possible, do not read in the morning before starting your exams. Your brain is more active when relaxed.

Instead of wasting your time stressing about what you missed in the book, get outside and perform some exercise.

3 days before your exams, stop alcohol or cigarettes, they are some brain killers. Alcoholic drinks increases stress and has effect on your mindset.

Practice deep breathing even in the exams hall. Sometimes stress is being triggered by hyperventilating, calming yourself for 5 minutes might be of great help.

Make sure not to over depend on your friend's perspective. Do not even ask what they wrote after the exams.

If you want to stop stressing before exams, you may want to spend time with exams mates and you will realize that you're better than others.