How to Practice Active Listening Techniques for Effective Communication

Active listening is the ability to be fully attentive to what someone is saying and at the same time understanding the content of the conversation. Practicing active listening techniques is very important in building our self-awareness, understanding and every essence of communication style. We are going to look at a wider mental analysis of active listening techniques for effective communication and all the important tips about questioning techniques.

How does active listening contribute to effective communication

Communication is affected positively or negatively depending on how the individual listens. Before we learn how to practice active listening techniques you need to note that the practice helps to improve your communication skills through self awareness -- recognizing your communication skills through listening, questioning and conversational response.

A good response cannot be attained when you have a poor active listening technique. With active listener you understand how words are used together with the meaning of the subject. It improves communication productivity and creative speaking.

Learning the genuine tips on how to practice active listening techniques increases your persuasion abilities. It creates you to become an influential individual by increasing your word power, being that you're exposed to more understanding of conversation through proper active listening techniques.

Active listening techniques for effective communication

First of all in order to figure out exactly how to practice active listening techniques and the ones that can work for you, you need to recognize your mental state and attentiveness. Naturally, the brain regains complete composure 15 mins after being distracted. So, active listening techniques can be adopted rightly whenever the individual knows his level of attentiveness.

Eye to eye conversation. For people looking for how to practice active listening techniques, eye contact should be the first way to increase attentiveness. How to practice active listening techniques: When the eye gets connected, it affects both the conscious and posture of the listener. Thus distractions are limited when a listener is looking into the eye of the speaker.

In the other hand of our active listening techniques for effective communication you must try your best to get the speakers attention, showing him that you're listening. This can be attained through listening body posture and proper eye contact. Responding communication also increases attentiveness together with questioning techniques. This is how to practice active listening techniques in an open place. You can only do this while on the act.

How to practice active listening techniques: examples of active listening techniques

Mutual response. An active listener response to the speaker using a what I call a mutual response. Even for a speaker looking for how to practice active listening techniques, nodding your head even when your head isn't at the direction of the speaker gives a credit of an active listener. This listening technique doesn't just credits you physically, it gets your conscious more attentive to both the facts and words around the sound coming.

Another part of mutual response as in how to practice active listening techniques is saying "right" or "yeah" it gets you right on the part of the conversation. Which means you're not just listening but part of the sound. This active listening techniques opens a path for creative intuition, knowing that the speaker would be more precised while you digest every side of the conversation.

Eye contact seems to be the best way to stay attentive for a long time but mental repeatation increases your credit as an active listener. Repeat what you're hearing mentally. Your aim is how to practice active listening techniques so you throw your assertion but with respect. Try not to distract your speaker by criticizing instantly. Just remember, feedback, show that you're listening and be attentive as well.

How to practice active listening techniques for children

The first way to get children to become active listeners is to get their attention. Paying attention is the first way how to practice active listening techniques before others. Giving feedback and question should alternate each. Question seems to be the first option for children. Body language. Nodding and sighting are good active listening techniques which do require attention. And curiosly how to practice active listening techniques, you ought to get the child show assertion. Judgement and knowledgable tearing must be encouraged, active listening and questioning techniques.

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting into University

University of texas logo

Increasing your chances of getting into university means improving your your potential of securing a good paying job in the future. On this post we are going to discuss how to improve your chances of getting into university, in all possible positive effort to win.

University of texas campus

How to improve your chances of getting into university of your choice

University of texas campus map

In order to increase your chances of getting into university of your choice you need to better know their qualification requirements, expenses including tution fees and others. If you want to study abroad, you might need to also focus on visa and other requirements for foreign students.

University of texas at austin campus

You ought to be prepared financially as much as possible. If you're not ready to work to make money to pay your tuition, you my need a mortgage or students loan consolidation programme how to improve your chances of getting into university. Easy way, you can start a part time online business like affiliate marketing or digital product creation.

University of texas stadium

This are things you need to improve your chances of getting into university and have success along the way. Financial freedom is one, then making all requirements available for that particular university. The internet is at our disposal with so much details of many types of universities and the course they offer.

University of texas longhorns football

How to improve your chances of getting into university - course choices

University of texas tower shooting

Not all universities offer every course and not every course can be studied in a university. And to improve your chances of getting into university you need to consider the pattern of study and course variations. You need to make choices according to reputation, especially if you're not too desperate to get into the university.

University of texas tower wallpaper

A science student is expected to apply for science courses, social science for social science courses and art for art courses. If you really want to improve your chances of getting into university, you never ever expect to make a mistake of choosing wrong course or a course unrelated to your field.

Harvard university students

How to improve your chances of getting into university - grades

Harvard university campus map

Grades are very important to improve your chances of getting into university. Take the best course classes you can ever have to prepare yourself. Develop your college essay writing skills.

Stanford university logo

Always reflect before you write. Learn to write out of perspective and instinct. Learn good essay editing. This is where most students fail in how to improve your chances of getting into university.

Yale university logo

Ask a school counselor or teacher who knows much about university recommendation and course choice. It is very important to make a lifetime mistake or waste years switching between courses. Start early search for university education. Get used to interview by enroling into campus interviews. Get organized and stay focused on your dreams and goals. Relax and confident of life, it increase your mental creativity in making good choices.

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How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired

Hire for job

To increase your chances of getting hired, you need to make sure you have the quality, both in personality and on paper. Lets look at the basics and facts of getting hired faster and even how to increase your chances of getting a job.

How to increase your chances of getting hired - confidence

Hire employee

The timid gentle guys always finish last. Aggressiveness does not replace nervousness. It does not boost self esteem either but puts the invidual in a position of failure and denial.

Knowing how to increase your chances of getting hired is like securing a job itself for you can get companies rushing on you. Create a self confidence to be deserving fellow increasing your chances of getting hired instantly:

* Walk uprightly and fast.

Learn to look everybody in the eyes while having a conversation.

Do not hide your profession. The more you show off with confidence the more it boosts your potentiality.

*. Concentrate on self improvement wherever and whenever you focus on a profession. For how to increase your chances of getting hired your ability talks more than your actions and voice. Be prepared technically, go the extra mile.

* Be authoritative. Your voice usage has a great impact on you especially when someone need a "matured" natured individual to hire. So on how to increase your chances of getting hired, speak with authority and avoid nose-tone. Know your tones and offer the best during an interview to boost your chances of getting hired.

How to increase your chances of getting hired - self esteem

Hire for job

A person with confidence must surely have the element of self esteem. But when deserving feeling is boost, the reality of practical achievement is likely to set in -- how to increase your chances of getting hired. Show me a person with a personality and I can define self esteem a better way.

You know what you deserve, when to have it and the place that's likely of your own type. Skill improvement is your best friend how to increase your chances of getting hired everytime. Your profession on paper doesn't qualify the personality in you. You need a conscious clear of what you're getting into.

Only self assurance can give you the long lasting self esteem you've been craving. But tell me, how does self assurance come without an essence? The essence of self assurance in skills, is the "feeling you can" without insecurities. Only skill improvement can give the assurance you need, a self esteem to go as far as you can. This is how to increase your chances of getting hired and achieve your dreams.

How to increase your chances of getting hired - legal basics

Hire employee

Before you get accepted or get hired you must be fully legal and morally appropriate. Your qualifications have to relate with your search. Showcase your qualifications to various companies and individuals.

Other how to increase your chances of getting hired: You have internet at your disposal to advertise your profession. Start an expertize to develop yourself the more, making up ideas for greater chances. Build reputation and never stop.

The more you do it well, the more you increase your chance of getting hired. Viral marketing works in our daily lives especially if our aim is to create a value that people will appreciate how to increase your chances of getting hired. A service worth referring must be appropriate and trust-friendly.

How to Increase Your Chances of Having a Dream

Person dreaming

Whenever I see or hear the question how to increase your chances of having a dream I just ask myself "is this person asking for a nightmare or what?" Anyway, you cannot determine what kind of dream you want to have at a time, but you can definitely choose the type of dream you'd mostly have overtime. This accounts to, a reason to dream, chasing the dream, sleeping technique for an extended dream, what comes into the mind and dream recitation.

How to increase your chances of having a dream - a reason

First thing first, you need a reason to dream. It might be your fantasy or "dreams and goals" or your ambition. Once you figure out the reason to dream, you automatically be conscious of the theme of dream you want to have.

When that is gotten, start daydreaming about that dream. For how to increase your chances of having a dream, you must relax and perform an extended daydream to make that your REASON more deep in your mindset.

If you want to have a particular type of dream, you don't have to mix up your fantasies. All you need to do is to recall your dream land once a day or most importantly using creative visualization to vision the inside.

How to increase your chances of having a dream - chasing

I hope you're not fantasizing about the unknown! Chasing a night dream is like chasing your dreams and goals in the physical world. For how to increase your chances of having a dream by taking a step to mimic the reality of that dream. Or if you want to increase the chance of dreaming "the way you live", you should create a mantra involving that particular activity.

How to increase your chances of having a dream - sleeping technique

A comfortable sleep gives you the freedom to sink deep into the dreamy world without even trying. But for how to increase your chances of having a dream if you want to have a different type of dream, you can either change your laying position, sleep without pillow, use another colour of bed sheet or even sleep on a strange bed.

Another sleeping technique idea how to increase your chances of having a dream is to start daydreaming immediately as you lay down on the bed for the night. This opens a wider range of thoughts and imaginations, giving your conscious a better idea of what your mind would be directed on. Doing this without distraction can either give you a related dream or something you've been craving for in a dream.

Still on how to increase your chances of having a dream using various sleeping techniques, some people prefer sleeping on their backs if they want to dream more often while some prefer the opposite. Others choose one side, either left or right. But you need to discover what works best for yourself by continuous practice, involving trial and error. You also need to keep a dream journal in this case.

How to increase your chances of having a dream - mind feeder

The types of dream you can have or the regularity of your dreams depends on what you feed your mind with. I wouldn't expect you to be watching horror film while you want to dream about a car or future spouse. I don't even want to imagine you reading adventure books while your dream focus goes to romance. Still goes on how to increase your chances of having a dream.

Reading and watching tv is one of the activities that takes alot of your attention. Most especially, reading takes over your mind, subconscious and everything you know about yourself. When your concentration is glued to a certain subject during the day, your brain digests the information through the night. Thus it helps to increase your chances of having a dream and on a particular subject -- that story you've been reading throughout the day -- that movie you've been watching over the weekends.

What comes in must go out either through dream or presentation. So watch more of that, how to increase your chances of having a dream, in order to be a good night dreamer. Books are more active in this case but you should stick to a category.

How to increase your chances of having a dream - recitation

This involves charging up your mind with lots of dream memories. You don't have to recite any dream as stated above. But as mentioned for how to increase your chances of having a dream but a consistent journal to keep records of your dreams can do more than good.

Start by writing everything you dream of, then as you narrow your dream type, only keep record of your best ones. You should keep every journal at your bedside in order to take a glance every time you lay for the night and for easy access whenever you wake up after a dream. This is how to increase your chances of having a dream which may improve your lucrativity and creative potential.

How to Have a Dream You Can Control


There are various ways to lucid dreams but the most important part is the ability to stay aware and alert. The ability to create awareness subconsciously when awake. It takes a greater understanding of self and proper adjustment in relaxation methods.

How to have a dream you can control - realization

People dreaming

Sleep early and keep journal of all your dreams. Doing this you will realize some variations and relation in your night dreams which would make you even more aware of the type of dream you're likely to have each day. And to qualify yourself how to have a dream you can control, you need first to create the ability to remember dreams.

Learning how to have a dream you can control through the implementation of dream record creates the ability of creative visualization to certain extent. It gives the sense of self knowledge and deep relaxation during sleep. In the long run, it also gives this sense of expectancy which when on the start of the dream, your subconscious will hint your person that you're having a dream.

Good night sweet dreams

Remember, this might work according to faith and works. This brings us to the second step how to have a dream you can control after self awareness, self discovery, sensitivity and clear mind visioning.

How to have a dream you can control - mantra

Cartoon people dreaming

Obviously, mantra is this word or sentence you repeat either loudly or in your mind to get your going. It helps you to create a mindset in a direction you crave, self confidence, and self assurance as the word is being repeated over and over.

So obviously you'd like to know how to have a dream you can control using mantra. Have you ever dream and in that dream you're telling yourself "this is just a dream" or "am I dreaming"? Surely this usually happens during nightmares or other weird dream scenarious.

If not, whenever weird things happens to you or around you, just say "am I dreaming" or "this is just a dreaming" to create thus mindset during the real dream. The latter has worked for me so that would be my first intuitive advice when someone ask me how to have a dream you can control every moment. Just remember, you can do alot of mantra just the way you choose.

How to have a dream you can control - lifestyle

Sweet dreams my love

Many times it takes a particular lifestyle to achieve something particular. It takes a lifestyle of a real dreamer in order to have a better experience how to have a dream you can control.

Have you ever daydream. I know daydream can be for idle people but it has some benefits that most of the creative individuals are fond of filling their world with fantasies. How to have a dream you can control: daydream lots of the time even when you can lucid dream. If you're used to daydreaming, luciding night dream can't be so hard.

Increase your chance of dreaming more every night by getting yourself very tired before bed. Even more how to have a dream you can control, you must get rid of obvious distractions like alarm or bad bedding in order to experience a not less than 30 minutes dream. The longer your dreams, the more likely to have a dream you can control and the more likely you can become a movie writer.

How To Check Jamb Admission Status

JAMB admission

We have different posts both describing how to check jamb admission status in various ways. Note that in order to check admission status through jamb you need to have your registration number handy. And if it shows "No admission offered yet" or "Processing Error" you need to be patient and keep trying at least once or twice a week.

Some schools have already sent the full number and lists of candidates they want to admit for the year to JAMB website but many still have their 2nd and 3rd admission lists to come. Some have provided on their website how to check jamb admission status and even included the stat of their listings.

How to check jamb admission status through JAMB

1. Get your JAMB registration handy, including the 2 alphabets at the end.

2. Go to the JAMB portal at where you'll see banners according to year; 2012, 2011, 2010 etc. All for how to check jamb admission status easily.

3. Choose your year of admission and click on "check admission status".

4. Under the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), Type your JAMB registration number inside the box and click "check admission status" under. To check admission status through jamb, your registration number looks like this: 12345678AA. Do not add anything.

How to check jamb admission status - holiday version

This version includes both direct link to the admission postal and more precised details to check admission status through jamb.

First of all click here to go to the JAMB portal. You'll see a green banner, under, there's a box. Click inside the box and type your exact JAMB registration number. Someone asking for how to check jamb admission status must consider the year.

If your admission or name doesn't show up, under the "navigation links" you'll see "home", click. But before that you might like to copy your registration number on your clipboard for easy access and to save time.

On the page you are now, check the options under your year of JAMB exam or UTME. Under each year, you are going to see something like; first Retrieval of Registration Number; second, Result Slip Printing; third, Check Admission Status; fourth, Admission Letter Printing (obviously for DE); and lastly DE Acknowledge Slip Printing.

For how to check jamb admission status: Select "check admission states" and paste your JAMB registration number that looks like this:11223344BB.

This is a method to check admission status through jamb, at your school portal. If you're given admission you are going to see something like this:

"CONGRATULATION your name!!! you have been offered admission into 6 years degree program at federal university of science and technology, Civil Engineering, school of sciences."

It might not look the same but something similar is bound to come inasmuch as you've been given JAMB admission and your name is enlisted.

How to check jamb admission status - shortcut version

Inasmuch as you wrote the JAMB-UTME examination followed by the individual POST-JAMB UTME organized by various universities of your choices, here are shortcut steps how to check jamb admission status and result printing strategies.

First thing first, you need to retrieve your registration from your JAMB slip or you can check it online through the JAMB slip printing. Your JAMB registration number is that 8 digits number that end with two alphabet. You can find it in the upper left of your JAMB slip -- how to check jamb admission status.

Secondly, use your phone, laptop or desktop to visit the JAMB admission portal. If you've retrieved your registration number and can do it on this device with this browser, click here for the JAMB admission page/portal (it opens in a new window.

By now you'll see a box on top of a block banner with "check JAMB admission status" written on it. Type your exact registration number inside the box, including the last 2 alphabets. Click "check admission status" for your admission.

If it shows "no admission offered yet" your school hasn't released the list yet or you need to wait for the second batch. You can even bookmark the page for how to check jamb admission status in order to keep up to date on the listing. It gives you a chance to re-check easily.

.....check admission status through jamb with mobile is coming.

How To Increase Your Mental Potential

Mental health awareness

Increasing your mental potential takes some little adjustments the way you handle your lifestyle and the things you feed your brain with. You don't need drugs to be smart and intelligent. All it takes to bring down the wall of dullness is charging up the brain. Increasing your brain power -- speed of understanding and high productivity.

How to increase your mental potential - lifestyle

Good mental health

Do not sleep in the night with lights on.

Exposing yourself to excess carbon monoxide, including smoking and the rest.

Read 3 books a month. If you want to increase your mental potential, reading educative and challenging but interesting books can spike up your brain power.

Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every 24 hours. A good night sleep gives your brain the chance to process information and the action of melanin always takes place while you're sleeping.

Minimize television watching. This is very important to an extent, if you want to increase your mental potential you don't suppose to watch tv more than 10 hours a week. For how to increase your mental potential, the minimum the better.

How to increase your mental potential - feeding the brain

Mental health

In order to increase your mental potential, there are things your brain needs to feed on.

Avoid negative thoughts. Bad thoughts might always find a way to destroy our happiness, thus ruining the only inner peace that allows creative thinking. And when the brain is not used to systematic analyzation of things, it does not build at once.

So increasing your mental potential demands more peace within. Try to get rid of bad thoughts by avoiding idleness, surrounding yourself with good and honest friends while setting time for studies and positive deep thinking.

Mental health awareness ribbon

Physical exercise is also important on how to increase your mental potential fast. Just a normal walk gives the brain a proper alignment with the positive scenaries of life, thus giving you a great deal of potential. A healthy brain is always filled with potentials.

No knowledge is a waste, but you need to feed your brain mostly with things that benefits your either spiritual or physical well being. Give yourself the knowledge of your dreams and your goals would be worth achieving and yes, a sure way to build your mental potential while benefiting from both sides of life.

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How to Deal with Anxiety Attacks Without Medication

Generalized anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder is on of the fastest understandable disorders among personality disorders. Here's how to deal with anxiety attacks without medication in a very short time and without the need to call a professional.

How to deal with anxiety attacks immediately

Social anxiety disorder treatment

List down the causes of your anxiety attacks and moments that usually bring up nervousness. Identifying the cause of your problem is the first step how to deal with anxiety attacks without medication.

Social anxiety disorder

This process is the simplest and effective therapy for anxiety attacks. It is called the cognitive-behavioural therapy, which focuses on thoughts and behaviour influencing the general mind. Thus when the challenge is identified we go to the second step of how to deal with anxiety attacks without medication.

How to deal with anxiety attacks by exposure

Anxiety disorder treatment

Fear, negative beliefs and intuitions are the common causes of anxiety attack. So what are you going to do with those causes, after you've figured them out? The best we can mention for how to deal with anxiety attacks without medication is Exposure therapy. It allows you to focus on tackling the problem rather than thinking about the problem.

Anxiety disorder treatment

Exposure therapy is referred as a personal growth and adjustments in the life of anxiety disorder patients, encouraging them to face their fears, be with them, and get used to them instead of ignoring or avoiding them in an attempt to get over the thoughts.

Generalized anxiety disorder treatment

Sometimes things that seem to be strange and harmful only seem to be. Yes, embracing the reality is the only way to stop negative expectation and beliefs. Knowing how to deal with anxiety attacks seeing is believing but anxiety disorder gets the contrary.

Generalized anxiety disorder cartoon

Do not start using medication for mild anxiety attacks. Pursue the exposure therapy and always be anxious of positive thinking. Surround yourself with positive friends, deep breathing and all sorts of of activities that gives you a free air. Stop alcoholism and drug addiction.

Generalized anxiety disorder cartoon shoot

And while you're striving to become a better person, do not forget to have fun along the way. Be confidence with life. Insecurities can be a major obstacle in dealing with anxiety attack but believe me, you're on a direction of self-trust and victory. When your surrounding says no, show him it's already YES by being optimistic and smart about your emotional and physical progress.

How to Increase Your Word Power

Word power

My first step to increase word power in English language is using cross words. You don't have to use unfamiliar words, just use the familiar one's correctly and based on your knowledge.

How to Increase Your Word Power by listening

If you listen to influencial speakers and some leaders alot, you'll automatically learn how to use words authoritatively without being arrogant or aggressive. Consistency is everything, learning how to increase your word power.

How to Increase Your Word Power using idioms

How many idioms can you recall now. Idioms help the speaker to be professional and reasonable even when the matter has no considerable sense. Idiomatic expression gets your listeners and readers brainstorm, while it keeps you on the verge of learning new words to alternate every said one.

How to Increase Your Word Power by adjustments

Replace a word you usually use with a synonym, just one every day. Do not miss a day with reading the thesaurus and the dictionary. For how to increase your word power, make sure you're using those exact words dialy in order to get them alive and functioning.

How to Improve Your English Vocabulary and Spelling

Develop a habit of writing on anything. Good spellers are always writers, who practice spelling using the best of their time.

How to improve your english vocabulary and spelling now

Vocabulary and spelling

When reading novels, magazines and newspapers, circle unfamiliar words then after the reading revise them. Jote every circled word inside your spelling journal. The purpose of using writing to improve your english vocabulary and spelling is to get you equipped when writing an essay, letter or just common written group presentation.

How to improve your english vocabulary and spelling - what to avoid


You either prefer warming your brain by getting to know several spellings by daily practice or use spelling softwares to verify your words. Both of them a very important depending on your quality. But the case is, do not rely on softwares all the time. Only need them when you can't find it right. This gets your brain to absorb the correct one, which gets you going on your grammer fight.

How to improve your english vocabulary and spelling by reading

Vocabulary and spelling

Someone say a book a day is capable of keeping you from brain freeze. This is so true for a fact, a reader's brain power is high and always efficient. It remembers spelling, gets used to word patterns and then helps you to improve your english vocabulary and spelling.

How to Improve Your English Vocabulary for Free

English vocabulary

Marrying the Dictionary! There's more to do to increase your vocabulary. Since the dictionary is always involve, you must know how to use it correctly for the benefit of your own knowledge.

How to Increase Your English Vocabulary

Vocabulary image

Read more books than you do. Many people asking how to improve your english vocabulary for free tend to ignore the fact that reading is the only way one can improve. While reading concentrate on sentence structures, word puzzles and other catchy pattern of the writer's english presentation.

How to improve your english vocabulary interactively

Vocabulary in English

A simple way to improve your english vocabulary is to stick to friends that speak good english. Everyone that speaks good English or tends to speak up using constructive sentence pattern can likely be an English vocabulary enthusiast. Be with that friend and learn to present yourself using what you've learn through readings and researches. If you try to show off among arrogant and non interested colleagues, they may deride you, which would evidently keep you away from your passion.

How to improve your english vocabulary word by word

Vocabulary words

Do not rush your goal. If you want to improve your english vocabulary you need to learn the meaning of a new word everyday. Just one word. In the morning after choosing the words you want to use for the day, write a short theory about a personal experience that the word describes it well or the word is supposed to be used more often. For example, "in our class the students 'derided' the teacher's accent". You see, DERIDED is your main word of the day. So you're fixing the word into your long term memory making unforgettable in the long run.

How to improve your english vocabulary by listening


Are you a good listener? If no, you've got to be in order to improve your english vocabulary. Listen to speeches; TV, Radio, Podcasts, and Internet video documentaries and presentations; and watch at least one English sophisticated movie every week. This does not only improve your english vocabulary but prepares you a good listener, which is all we need to improve in language.

How To Increase Your Appetite Naturally

No appetite

Do you want to know how to increase your appetite naturally? We are going to discuss the easy natural way to increase appetite everytime.

How to increase your appetite using lime juice

loss of appetite

Lime juice mixed with water is a good natural appetizer. Start the day with a cup of this mixture and observe the flow of your appetite for the day. You increase the volume repeatedly while you observe the changes.

How to increase your appetite with salt

Lack of appetite

People that salt their foods properly tend to be more appetitic than those who didn't. This shows that salt can help you increase your appetite naturally making a significant effect upon your diets. Both meat and vegetables are suppose to be salted more to increase your appetite.

How to Increase Your Appetite - folic acid

Good Appetite

Inject follic acid vitamin B12 to restore a long term appetite decline. This dose can be determine by your own physical, which makes great impact on your health to increase your appetite naturally. Try eating vitamin B foods even after series of follic acid injection.

How to increase your appetite naturally by adding zinc

Appetite for food

Deficiency of zinc in your body might cause loss of appetite. What you're suppose to do is to check your zinc level, know the moderate stat in order to add up. It changes the way you taste food. So you need to understand how to increase your appetite naturally and know the cause of losing appetite. Making your meal more spicy and fancy can bring alot of appetite back.

Appetite for food