How to Build a Military Foot Locker Blueprints - Wooden and Plastic Pictures

In order to build a military foot locker you need to cut:

2 pieces 38 1/2 by 17,

2 pieces 17 by 17,

2 pieces 15 1/2 by 15 1/2,

2 pieces 10 by 15 1/2,

1 piece 15 1/2 by 38 1/2,

1 piece 17 3/4 by 40 inches.

Now take a look at these designs and choose the one you that will fit your likes. military foot locker

military foot locker blueprints

military foot locker blueprints

how to build a military foot locker

how to build a military foot locker

wooden military foot locker

wooden military foot locker

military plastic foot locker

military plastic foot locker

Good luck on your innovation.